James Caperton of Alliance Transport in Shelbyville, TN began running under his own authority in December of 2007. James attended the April 2008 New Entrant Survival Training while operating two trucks. At the time of this interview, which relates his experience with NASTC and the New Entrant Survival Training, James was running 4 trucks. This interview details his story.
James Caperton of Alliance Transport in Shelbyville, TN began running under his own authority in December of 2007. James attended the April 2008 New Entrant Survival Training while operating two trucks. At the time of this interview, which relates his experience with NASTC and the New Entrant Survival Training, James was running 4 trucks. This interview details his story.
"Since we specialize in small trucking companies, helping these new entrants survive and prosper is foremost in NASTC’s best interest. I truly believe that anyone who goes through one of our one-day courses will infinitely improve his chance of survival, his operating ratio, his bottom line, and his safety rating.”
David Owen, President, NASTC
"Over the past 18 months, NASTC’s New Entrant Survival Training Program is successfully assisting graduates to a much-improved 80% success rate."